Specialised Occular Investigations

OCT: OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY - is a non-invasive imaging method that uses reflected light to create pictures of the back of your eye, it can be used to diagnose and manage diseases like diabetes-related retinopathy and glaucoma.  


OCTA: OPTICAL COHERENCE ANGIOGRAPHY- is also a non-invasive imaging technique that helps to determine the integrity of the retina blood vessels, it is useful in conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, CVN, and hypertensive retinopathy.  


FFA: FUNDUS FLOURESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY- is an invasive diagnostic procedure that involves injecting an Ophthalmic solution called ''FLOURESCEIN DYE'' in the bloodstream and a special camera will be used to take pictures of the movement of the dye in the retina vessel, which helps the ophthalmologist in aid diagnosis.  


FF: FUNDUS PHOTOGRAPHY- are photogenic surveillance of the posterior of the eye and it is also used in documentation and monitoring of the progression of certain eye conditions/diseases.  


CVF: CENTRAL VISUAL FIELD- is a visual field test that measures light-sensitive parts of the retina. It aids in the diagnosis of conditions such as glaucoma.  


CCT- CENTRAL CORNEA THICKNESS- is an important parameter in the assessment of any potential glaucoma patient, it is used to measure the thickness and thinness of the cornea.  


CORNEA TOPOGRAPHY- is a special photography technique that maps out the curvature of the cornea.  


ANTERIOR SEGMENT PHOTOGRAPHY- is a technique used in capturing the image of the anterior segment of the eye which includes the cornea, iris, and lens and it is also used in documentation of the anterior segment.  


B-SCAN- it is also known as BRIGHT scan; it is an ultrasound technique that is used for diagnostic imaging to view the back of the eye.    


A-SCAN- it is a device that measures the length of the eye and can also be used in determining the power of an intra-ocular lens to be implanted during cataract surgery.  


ERG- ELECTRORETINOGRAPHY: is a procedure done to measure the electrical response of the light-sensitive cells in the eye.  


VEP: VISUAL EVOKED POTENTIALS: it is a functional test used to evaluate the visual pathway functions and it also aids diagnosis of diseases associated with optic nerves.  


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